
Clinical project management

(Inter)national study project management for small to medium sized clinical studies 

Study start up

EC submission,  study document creation and administrative support

Investigator initiated research at academia

Support and consultancy for investigator initiated research at academia

CRA/Monitoring activities

All aspects of site management including on-site monitoring activities  

Clinical Trial Systems Consulting

Support for implementation and/or upgrading systems supporting clinical trials

Workshops, training and coaching

Workshops, training and coaching for CRA & site personnel for companies and study sites 

Clinical Project


(Inter)national project management of clinical trials from start to finish, or individual parts. By building a team and setting clear responsibilities, timelines and budget remain within scope without compromising on quality. 

Study start up


Study start up and execution of all operational aspects, including submissions, development of study documentation, translations and administrative support

Development of study documentation

Writing and/or reviewing study-related documents including: 

Assisting with submissions

Preparation and submission of submission packages and amendments to Ethic Committees, Competent Authorities and hospitals to obtain approval.

Administrative support

Set up and maintenance of study files (TMF and ISF) for sponsor(s) and at clinical trial sites. 

Translations & translation review

Translation of study documents/training materials from English to Dutch (and vice versa).  A (medical) validation and content review of study  documents previously translated.




In recent years stricter regulations and requirements for the conduction of clinical investigator initiated research have been implemented in academia and at health care institutions. Academic study teams are often composed of healthcare- and/or research professionals whose primary objective is patient care. Without clinical research experience, valuable time and resources can be wasted in achieving the necessary standards in conducting clinical trials.

Does your clinical study team has questions like:

Is your study team in need of additional support like:



CRA/Monitoring activities include performing selection-, initiation-, monitoring- and close-out visits for clinical studies, contract negotiations with study sites and all other activities that are needed to run a study successfully at a site. Depending on the scope these activities can be performed on-site and/or remotely on paper or eCRF. Monitoring is possible in hospitals in The Netherlands and the Dutch speaking part of Belgium.

Clinical Trial



Nowadays clinical trials are supported with a range of software applications to collect, transfer, analyse and store obtained subject data and study results. Also in clinical operations systems are being implemented to keep track on study progress and KPIs or the tracking&tracing of derived subjects material (labsamples/MRI). 

New technologies and new systems will lead to new ways of working. Software implementation is a lengthy process, in which day to day business continues while learning, training and managing the new system can become a hurdle accepting a new way of working.  

Is your team in need of additional support with the implementation of a new software system or a planned upgrade? 


training and

coaching ​

Workshops & Training

Workshop and training for CRA & site personnel for companies and study sites on amongst others: basic GCP (Good Clinical Practice), monitoring, Risk based monitoring, CAPA reporting

Coaching junior CRAs and CTAs

On-the-job guidance of junior CRAs and CTAs

Looking forward meeting you and helping you find your solution. 
Hope to see  you soon!